27th Homeland, Harvest and Threshing Feast, Obertopfstedt

It was a pleasure for us to have been part of the 27th Homeland, Harvest & Threshing Feast in Obertopfstedt!

By now almost a tradition, we were on site with our Land Rover at this beautiful event to treat the visitors to our Weyermann® brewing specialties.

As every year, the event offered a wonderful experience with harvest and threshing demonstrations, a technology and tractor show, an impressive tractor parade, and much more.

In the summer temperatures, our beer specialties provided a welcome refreshment.

We thank the Homeland and Traditions Association Obertopfstedt for the invitation and express great praise for the well-organized event!

Many thanks also to our Weyermann® team on site for their efforts!

We are already looking forward to our joint harvest fest at the Weyermann® plant in Clingen and send sunny greetings.