We welcome our new trainees

Today, we welcomed seven new trainees to their first day of training at Weyermann® Malt.

After a warm welcome with a brief initial orientation, the new and “old” apprentices had the opportunity to get to know each other, allowing them to establish initial contacts.

This was followed by a comprehensive tour of the facility, during which the apprentices gained insight into the various areas and processes of the company.

After looking behind the scenes of our specialty malt production, the new apprentices met their trainers – an important step in building trust and laying the foundation for successful collaboration.

A shared lunch in the cozy atmosphere of our Weyermann® Visitors Center provided another opportunity to exchange ideas and get to know each other better in a relaxed setting.

In the afternoon, the new apprentices were introduced to the different departments and their future areas of work. This helped them develop a better understanding of the structure and processes within the company and prepare for their upcoming tasks.

The day was a successful mix of information, integration, and exchange, allowing the new apprentices a positive start to their professional careers at Weyermann® Malt!

Stay tuned – in the following days we will introduce our trainess one at a time!