Successful Harvest 2024 at Weyermann® Specialty Malts

We are happy to announce the Crop Report of 2024. The quality of this year’s crop does not only meet our high standards – it exceeds them!

With a sorting of over 90% and low protein contents, the crop 2024 is promising high-quality malt for brewing, baking, and distilling.

“In more than 40 years in the malting industry, this is one of the best harvests for me”

– Thomas Kraus-Weyermann

Perfect conditions for the highest quality

The sowing took place at the perfect timing, till the beginning of April 2024, with outstanding conditions compared to other European countries.

The plants were able to develop beautifully, thanks to the constant high-quality water supply, which led to great tillering, many spiked stalks, and an excellent grain filling.

Excellent harvest conditions

The harvest conditions were perfect. Small rain showers had little to no impact on the harvesting process, and we were able to store the naturally dry grain in the silos. The germination ability of the grain is outstanding, making sure that we can keep up with the well-known quality of our Weyermann® Malts.

Above average crops

Our sources in Thuringia and Franconia estimate the brewing barley harvest 2024 to be slightly above average.

This takeaway is another proof of the outstanding conditions and the careful work of the local brewing parley producers we work closely with.

Constant security of supply

We work directly with local brewing barley producers and conclude production contracts with them to provide a constant and secure supply.

The raw materials collected directly from the harvest are kept healthy all year round under optimal storage conditions in our generously sized silos at our different locations.

This enables planning and ensuring high standards throughout the entire supply chain.

Weyermann® wishes all customers a lot of fun brewing, baking and distilling with the 2024 harvest!