Weyermann® on tour: Beer & Food Attraction Rimini 2025, Italy
We are delighted by the many beautiful impressions that our Weyermann® Malting & Brewing Expert Alirio Caldera brought back from his trip to Italy!
There, as an ambassador of our specialty malting company, he participated at the Beer & Food Attraction in Rimini. The Beer & Food Attraction trade fair brings together the most comprehensive national and international offer of beers, drinks, food and trends for the OUT-OF-HOME sector.
Together with the team of our Italian partner Uberti SRL, Alirio Caldera spread the red and yellow spirit on-site in his usual manner and enriched the event with a technical presentation on the topic “High Brewhouse Yield and Beer Quality with the Right Malt”. Tommaso Garolla and David Cucco from Uberti SRL delivered a very special presentation. They gave a talk on the history and development of our Italian malt variety, Weyermann® Eraclea Pilsner Malt, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. The Weyermann® Eraclea Pilsner Malt is produced from the finest two-row Italian Adriatic Coastal barley, cultivated in the region around the city of Eraclea, close to Venice. The Weyermann® Eraclea Pilsner Malt provides the perfect base for crisp, aromatic and Mediterranean beers.
Many thanks to our Weyermann® ambassadors for their wonderful efforts.