Weyermann® Specialty Malts headquarter has been located in Bamberg since the beginning of the 20th century.
At that time the malthouse was a green field site, built to be a modern industrial malting plant, well-known in the region for its beautiful exterior.
Nowadays the buildings are listed as historically protected landmarks and contain the most modern technologies available for malting processes behind its beautiful red brick walls.
Part of the company’s premises is the Heinz Weyermann® Roasted Malt Beer Brewery. According to the highest food standards, eight malt extracts and the world-famous LME SINAMAR® are produced here.
The deep dark and gently debittered liquid malt color is made by Weyermann® since 1902. It sets the color of beer and other foods purely natural and compliant with the German Purity Law.
Weyermann® Specialty Malts
Brennerstrasse 17-19
96052 Bamberg, Germany
In 2001, Weyermann® acquired the company Main Malz Hassfurt.
This addition to the Weyermann® family is focused on the production of premium base malts.
Due to its location right at the Main river, ship loadings are possible.
Weyermann® Specialty Malts
Am Hafen 1
97437 Hassfurt, Germany
In 2017, further company growth was accomplished with the purchase of the former Thuringia Malz malt house in Clingen.
The malthouse with its “Wanderhaufen” process is located in one of the best growing areas for brewing barley in the world.
In this malthouse the production is focused on meeting the increasing demand for craft terroir malts as well as specialty grain malts.
Undergoing an extensive rehaul in 2020/2021, the refurbished malt house can now run much more energy and resource effective.
Weyermann® Specialty Malts
Flattig 36
99718 Clingen, Germany
Weyermann® Specialty Malts is especially proud to operate their own grain storage facility, located in Leesau.
We support the local agriculture through cooperation, based on trust and confidence, with more than 500 farmers in the surrounding area.
The grain storage facility in Leesau can receive and store up to 45,000 tons of cereals.
Drying, ventilation and cooling facilities have been installed in this grain elevator to ensure perfect health and storage quality until the malting process starts.
The variously sized silos and storage boxes can reliably hold and keep apart the assortment of our different raw materials – Barley, Wheat, Rye and Spelt.
Our grain elevator has been certified by the standards of EU-Bio, Bioland, Demeter as well as Naturland.
All of our organic barley is being stored in separate silos.
The supply of high-quality summer brewing barley and its consistent availability year round is extremely important to us. Producing the highest quality malt for our customers is only possible when using high quality raw materials.
Weyermann® Specialty Malts
Leesau 22
95349 Thurnau, Germany