We welcome Nicolas Seeberger

 Our bulk shipping, big bag and bagging department in Bamberg…

We welcome Meike Kratzer

In August we gladly welcome new members to our Weyermann® team,…

„Naumburg ist Bierstadt“ festival 2023

Attention friends of good (beer) taste in and around Naumburg: Today…

Weyermann® Christmas packages are ready!

Even if Santa Claus delivers his packages within one night, the…

Weyermann® on tour: BrewCon, Broadbeach, Australia

Down Under – that’s where our junior manager Franziska Weyermann…

We say goodbye to Erhard Minke

With best wishes and many thanks for his commitment, we said…

Weyermann® sponsors stage for Europe’s biggest open-air blues & jazz festival

As part of Europe's largest admission-free open-air Blues &…

We welcome Markus Storch to the team

With Markus Storch we have found the perfect person to fill the…

Franconian quality whisky from the Weyermann® distillery in Bamberg

The „shower of gold“ for the Weyermann® distillery continues:…

6x gold for the Weyermann® Distillery

Phenomenal news have reached us from the North-Württemberg State…

Weyermann® receives title as „Awarded Company 2022“ in the area of occupational safety

Great news from the Association for the Food and Hospitality…

Weyermann® at the training fair “Ausbildungsmesse:BA” 2023

Many thanks to our red and yellow team for the wonderful representation…

We welcome Beatrice Eichhorn

This week Beatrice Eichhorn had her first day of work in the…

20th Weyermann® Classic Car Event

Finally it was time again - after a three-year break due to the…

St. Otto Fair 2023

Many thanks to our bosses Sabine Weyermann and Thomas Kraus-Weyermann…

We say goodbye to Stefan Dötsch

After five and a half years we say goodbye to our employee…

We say goodbye to Yovcho Byalkov

After seven years in the red and yellow world we say goodbye…

Tage des norddeutschen Bieres ( „Days of North German Beers“)

At the Schleswig-Holstein Agricultural Museum in Meldorf everything…

Successful completion of training

We have wonderful news to share from the youth development area:…

Weyermann® supports charity beer project for the Ukraine

A beer that symbolizes solidarity and friendship and reminds…

Brewmaster Camp 2023, Obertrum, Austria

„Unplugged brewing, pursuing one‘s passion and not getting…