Energy-efficient malting
Malting needs love and energy. Especially kilning, the process where warm air dries the malt, requires a high level of energy. To make this process as efficient as possible, we work with a special heat exchanger and thus save a third of the energy needed!
This fantastic system of heat exchangers for malting was invented by Heinz Weyermann, 3rd generation in the 1970s. For the new construction of our kiln 4, an upgrade with a completely new heat exchanger has now been installed. To make this happen, the individual segments were brought by a crane over the roof into our historic malthouse.
The system is as simple as it is genius! Plenty of glass tubes are lined up in a stainless-steel casing. The hot exhaust air from the kiln flows through these. At the same moment, fresh air is sucked in and flows from the outside to the warm glass tubes – a heat exchange takes place. The exhaust air becomes cool and the fresh air warm. This now preheated supply air is then used for a new batch on the kiln.
Thanks to this efficient circulation system, we save over 35% energy and operate more sustainably to make our malts!
We thank our skilled maintenance team for the project organization and implementation, as well as the many hardworking people during installation high above the rooftops of Bamberg!