Finest Beer Selection 2024

The tasting of the Finest Beer Selection by Meininger & Doemens is entering the next round!

With the “Finest Beer Selection”, Meininger Verlag and Doemens present a quality seal for beers featuring an easily comprehensible evaluation standard. The seal is intended to offer breweries, retailers, restaurants and all beer consumers a reliable compass for excellent beer quality.

As part of the tasting process, each beer is individually analyzed aromatically and evaluated based on a transparent 100-point scheme. Only the best beers of a year with a Finest Beer Score of 90 points or more make it into the exclusive circle of the Finest Beer Selection.

This year, the international jury once again includes malt and beer experts from our Bamberg specialty malts factory: Ulrich Ferstl, Weyermann® Team Leader Direct Customers & Food, Weyermann® Brewmaster Constantin Förtner and Weyermann® Malting & Brewing Expert Fedor Nikolashkin.

The awarding ceremony will take place on July 15th, 2024 in Neustadt an der Weinstraße, the home of Meininger Verlag. All beers that make it into the Finest Beer Selection 2024 will be honored there.

At the premiere tasting last year, our smoked beer classic, Weyermann® Schlotfegerla®, impressed the expert jury with its unique aroma profile and thus qualified for the Finest Beer Selection 2023.

We wish the tasting panel three great tasting days and send best regards to Gräfelfing!
