Neighborhood care: Weyermann® Malt visits the Albrecht Dürer senior center

Unsere Mitarbeitenden sind auf einem Gruppenbild mit vier Seniorinnen, zwei Senioren und zwei Pflegerinnen. Ein paar Senior:innen sind in Rollstülen, andere auf einem Rollator. Es hängt ein Kreuz im Eck und einem Christbaum auf der linken Seite des Raumes.

A special moment in the pre-Christmas season: Our team had the honor of visiting the Albrecht Dürer Senior Residence and experiencing a festive pre-Christmas party together with the residents.

Our employees not only brought along the traditional beers from the Weyermann® brewery, but also a very special Christmas beer specialty: No. 24 Santa’s Secret. The senior residents were clearly delighted with these regional brews. They followed our presentation with great interest and asked many questions. During a hearty tasting session, those present were able to discover the different flavors of roasted malt and learn the stories behind our products.

The contemplative atmosphere was complemented by Christmas music and festively decorated tables. There was plenty to laugh about, talk about and enjoy – a welcome moment of fellowship in the often quiet pre-Christmas period. The senior residents visibly enjoyed the change of pace and the opportunity to try out new flavors. At the end of the event, we surprised them with a hearty gift of malt beer and crisp malt from our Weyermann® bakery.

This neighborly visit was not only a feast for the palate, but also a wonderful opportunity to share the anticipation of Christmas together. The event showed once again how important social contacts and local support are for the quality of life in old age.

We at Weyermann® Malt are proud to be part of this special community and look forward to continuing to create such precious moments in the future.