© Weyermann® Spezialmalze | Weyermann® Specialty Malts, Bamberg-Germany

Products / Food / Barley Malts

Weyermann® CARAFA® Type 3

A dark to extremely dark, saccharified barley malt with strong coloring power.

Sensory properties: intense roast aroma notes of coffee, cacao, and dark chocolate

Enzymatic activity: none

Use: baking agents and other foods


  • intense coloration
  • adds strong, earthy and bread notes

Recommended quantities: food industry as requested

Color: Very Dark Brown to Black
EBC: 1300 – 1500
Lovibond: 488 – 563

Weyermann® Malt Aroma Wheel® | Weyermann® CARAFA® Whole Kernel
© Weyermann® Malt


Furthermore, our malts are also available as fine flour, grounded or crushed for brewing or distilling usage.

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We will be happy to send you our product specifications.

© Malzfabrik Weyermann®