Triple triumph for Weyermann® at Finest Beer Selection 2024!

Four men stand in front of a brewing system proudly presenting their award

The Weyermann® brew manufacture received three awards at the renowned Finest Beer Selection 2024 beer tasting. The Finest Beer Selection, the result of a renowned blind beer tasting, took place from June 11th to 13th, 2024 in Gräfelfing near Munich. A 50-member international jury of experts evaluates over 800 beers from 16 countries.

Weyermann® brew manufacture – Triple winner of the Finest Beer Selection 2024

For the second time in a row, Weyermann® No.1 Schlotfegerla®, a full-bodied, dark smoked beer with fine beech wood smoke notes and aromas of espresso, won. This classic impresses with a distinctive malt taste of dark chocolate and bread crust, so the experts awarded it 91 points.

The Weyermann® No. 74 IPAZero recieved 90 points earning an award at the competition for the first time. The orange, alcohol-free, top-fermented beer is characterized by an intense residual sweetness. The use of Weyermann® sour malt and sour wort as well as three additions of hops creates a slim mouthfeel with refreshing bitterness and a dry finish. Notes of pine, grapefruit and pepper round off the taste experience.

In addition to these two awards, a beer from the Bamberger Hofbräu® line, which has been part of the Weyermann® family and the brew manufacture since 2006, was also honored.

The Bamberger Hofbräu® Rauch completed the Franconian triumph with also 91 points. This amber to copper-colored Franconian beer specialty combines a fine smoke aroma with caramel malt notes of toffee, biscuit and honey. The subtle hop notes harmoniously complement the combination of smoke and sweetness.

Awards underline the brewing expertise at Weyermann®

The award ceremony took place on July 15th, 2024 in Neustadt an der Weinstraße. The awards underline the expertise of the Weyermann® brew manufacture.

“The awards at the Finest Beer Selection 2024 confirm our path to combining tradition and innovation. Our smoked beer honors Franconian brewing craft, while our non-alcoholic IPA shows that we also cater to modern trends. At Weyermann® we passionately brew beers that respect our roots and at the same time look to the future.” – Constantin Förtner, Weyermann® master brewer.

This year, the international jury once again included malt and beer experts, including Weyermann® Team Leader Direct Customers and Food  Ulrich Ferstl, Weyermann® Master Brewer Constantin Förtner and Weyermann® Malting & Brewing Expert Fedor Nikolashkin from the Bamberg specialty malt factory.

Excellent beers, a dedicated team and incomparable taste from Bamberg!

We are proud that our art of brewing is once again receiving the highest recognition. A big thank you to our dedicated brewing team under the competent leadership of Constantin Förtner and our experts on the jury!

Many thanks to the dedicated team at Doemens and Meininger for the masterful organization, in-depth expertise and passionate commitment to the Finest Beer Selection 2024!

Celebrate this fabulous award with us and enjoy our award-winning beers in our shop Weyermann® Living & Drinking in Bamberg or order via our online shop.

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