Circle of Weyermann® beer sommeliers continues to grow!

Our Weyermann® employee Magdalena Schmitt, deputy team leader quality management, has successfully completed the training as a certified beer sommelier and now proudly presents the certificate.

Congratulations on this great achievement from the entire Weyermann® team!

She now complements our competent circle of in-house Weyermann® beer sommeliers, which counts over 20 members!

The beer sommelier course is offered by the Doemens Academy in Graefelfing in Germany. Aim of the training is to provide versatile and multi-layered beer knowledge, which enables the certified sommeliers to advise customers of a brewery, buyers as well as guests and restaurateurs.

Magdalena Schmitt found the educational content, great beers, and pleasant conversations during the seminar truly unforgettable. At the same time, she extends her gratitude to the Weyermann® management for generously covering the training costs.

We are happy that our Weyermann® team of experts in terms of beer & malt is constantly growing and wish Magdalena Schmitt a lot of fun and joy in applying er newly acquired skills!