Colorful mural at our Visitors center
At our Visitors center in Bamberg now shines a beautiful mural!
In last week`s sweltering heat, our new mural was created in sophisticated handwork. The artist Sebastian Magnus from Leipzig, together with Mathes Krivy and Johan Schäfer showed their creative and technical talent in the project and created this fantastic eye-catcher.
The image shows the process of malting: starting with the resting grain and the harvest, followed by the germination process in the malthouse, and ending with the filled Weyermann® ambassadors, which are loaded onto trucks for their journey to our customers in more than 135 countries around the globe.
In terms of color, the mural fits harmoniously into our red-yellow Weyermann® world. The other colors are based on the four grains we use: barley, wheat, spelt, and rye.
The creative power of Sebastian Magnus and his team has already been demonstrated at our logistics and loading center (LVZ). Here, a fantastic Weyermann® Mural with a size of 150 m² was created for our 140th anniversary. A video shows the creation of the unique work:
We thank the creative and skilled trio of artists for this unique piece of art!
Look closely: Which steps of the malting process do you discover?