German Brew Master Day 2024 at Weyermann® in Clingen

Last weekend, around 400 members of the Deutsche Brau- und Malzmeister Bund e.V. ( = German Brew Masters’ and Maltsters’ Association) came together in Erfurt for the German Brew Master Day 2024.
The welcome evening on Friday and the general meeting on Saturday morning were followed by a varied accompanying program. As part of this, interested members followed the invitation to visit our Weyermann® production site in Clingen on Saturday afternoon. In the best weather, we welcomed our guests in a cozy and familiar atmosphere in the shades of our outdoor silo facility.
After the members were warmly welcomed by our boss Thomas Kraus-Weyermann, they were divided into small groups and got to know the Clingen location better in a detailed tour of the plant. Our guests were quickly able to experience the advantages of Clingen as a craft terroir malt location, especially for our varieties Barke® and Isaria®.
The individual groups were accompanied by our boss Thomas Kraus-Weyermann, general operations manager Jürgen Buhrmann, Clingen operations manager Jens Hell, Bamberg operations manager Leonhard Habermann and Pierre Sölter, head of maintenance in Clingen. On the tour, which lasted almost an hour, the inspection of the production line proved to be an absolute highlight, which caused enthusiasm and astonishment among some colleagues. Following the tour, Weyermann® brew master Constantin Förtner presented the Weyermann® beers of the day, which everyone enjoyed along with regional products from the bakery Keitel. In the course of the evening, the guests raved about their visit to our Clingen plant and thanked our team for the lovely excursion
We would like to thank our boss, Thomas Kraus-Weyermann, general operations manager Jürgen Buhrmann, operations manager Bamberg Leonhard Habermann, operations manager Clingen Jens Hell and Pierre Sölter, head of maintenance in Clingen, for accompanying the tours as well as all other Weyermann employees who showed perfect teamwork and helped organize this wonderful afternoon.
Our thanks also go to the bakery Keitel for the delicious snacks.