“Success Stories” – Successful abroad

Recently we welcomed Karoline Rübsam, online editor for the foreign trade portal of Bavaria weltweit-erfolgreich.de, and Sara Franke, Head of International at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Upper Franconia Bayreuth, for an interview in our red and yellow world.

For an article in the “Success Stories” section – Successful Abroad, they sat down with our boss Sabine Weyermann, Weyermann® management fourth generation, and our junior boss Franziska Weyermann, fifth generation.

In conversation with our two power women, they learned how our once regional malt factory became today’s world market leader for specialty malts, whose malts work their magic in over 135 countries around the world and are the soul of 50,000 beers.

This exciting export success story is available at weltweit-erfolgreich.de portal and in the magazine of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Upper Franconia Bayreuth.

Tune in at: https://international.bihk.de/magazin/erfolgsgeschichten/detail/oberfraenkisches-traditionsunternehmen-erobert-die-welt-weyermann-malz-bamberg.html

Thank you to Karoline Rübsam and Sara Franke for the pleasant visit and interview!