This Code of Conduct defines principles and standards that serve as a guideline for Weyermann® and likewise Weyermann® suppliers.
Weyermann® and its suppliers thereby assume responsibility for people and the environment and promote compliance with social and environmental standards.
These standards are based on the respective national or international legal requirements, the ETI-Codex and the ILO (International Labor Organization) conventions.
Compliance with the Code of Conduct applies to every member of the Weyermann® company and is a prerequisite for each business relationship with a Weyermann® supplier.
The following conditions must be met:
Compliance with the law
The laws of the applicable legal system are to be adhered to.
Prohibition of corruption and bribery
No form of corruption or bribery will be tolerated. Private interests and those of the company will be strictly separated from one another in the course of business and in dealing with state institutions.
Actions and decisions take place free from irrelevant considerations and personal interests. The respective applicable corruption law is to be adhered to.
Human rights
Weyermann® and its suppliers promote equal opportunities and equal treatment of employees irrespective of color, race, nationality, social background, disability, sexual orientation, political or religious conviction, sex and age.
The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of every employee is respected.
There is no obligation to employment or work.
Unacceptable treatment of employees, such as mental cruelty, sexual and personal harassment or discrimination is prohibited.
Wages and working hours
The remuneration of the employee meets or exceeds the fixed national minimum wage. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure are prohibited.
The statutory maximum working time is observed.
Employees receive employment contracts in which the employment relationship is regulated.
The right to freedom of association
Employees may join (or create) unions and conduct collective bargaining.
Weyermann® and its suppliers shall ensure that employee representatives can carry out their function within the company without hindrance.
In legal restrictions to freedom of association the company will take a positive view of comparable developments and not hinder them.
Health and safety
Workplaces and operations are such that a danger to the health and safety of employees can be ruled out.
Employees regularly receive documented occupational safety training.
The nationally applicable standards are complied with and precautionary measures against accidents and occupational diseases are provided.
The responsibility for the area of health and safety befits a leading member of the business and/or management.
Prohibition of child labor
Child labor is prohibited. The minimum age for employment must not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and in no case less than 15 years of age. It is based on the provisions of the United Nations and the respective national statutory regulations.
The rights of young employees are to be protected.
Exceptions to this rule are student interns who are only to perform light work over a strictly limited period of time under supervision.
Environmental protection
The national and international specifications and laws concerning environmental protection must be adhered to.
Weyermann® and its suppliers promote greater environmental awareness and support the environmentally conscious operations of their employees.
The Code of Conduct applies to all Weyermann® premises and shall be observed by all employees.
Weyermann® expects that this Code of Conduct will be applied and respected by all Weyermann® suppliers and contractors.
Sabine Weyermann
Thomas Kraus-Weyermann
Franziska Weyermann
Weyermann® Specialty Malting Company
Bamberg, 2024-01-01